Thursday, January 17, 2013

Desertification solution? Olive Trees.

Article Title: Desertification solution? Olive Trees.
Author: Billie Frenkel
Date published: 16.01.2013.
Publication: Environmental News Network

Olive trees are being planted in arid areas of Israel, and they seem to be improving the improving the environment in several ways. At least so says the Faculty of Agriculture at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

 A team of researchers, led by Dr. Zohar Kerem followed tree planting in deset areas of Israel and they have noticed that olive trees are greatly beneficial. Not only that they can survive in more extreme conditions, such as those of a desert, but they also clear out the air by reducing levels of CO2. Furthermore, they provide shade for animals living in the area consequently allowing population growth. Trees also don't need human care, such as pesticides, so they are quite useful. Olive trees are also helpful in keeping away predators (ie. jackals) that have endangered diversity of the area, as it is more difficult for them to hunt - they prefer open terrains. Finally, except for all the great effects for the environment, high quality olive oil is produced, so there's some benefit for people as well.

I think that this is a really good way to help the environment as it influences several aspects of it (so it is not just planting a tree to help carbon offsetting but it also helps animals living in the area). There should be more projects like this, not just in Israel but all over the world as well.


  1. I believe the planting of these trees in deserts is highly beneficial. Much of this land is deserted and therefore has no use. By planting large forests of trees in these areas, we are able to battle co2 emissions. Much of the world is covered by deserts so it would be cost-beneficial as well as environmentally beneficial.

  2. I agree! Especially because it helps the animals living in those areas as well so there are several good points to it.
