Thursday, January 31, 2013

Antarctic Ice Sheet: Warming Fast

Studies have found that the massive Western Arctic Ice Sheet is warming up twice as much as was previously thought, and researched. Even though the temperature in all parts of the world, and in all climates is heating up, there is a faster and larger temperature rise on the Western Arctic Ice sheet than what the average rise of the temperature is. Previous research suggested that there will be a temperature rise, but this temperature rise is about twice more than what was originally thought it would be. The even more frightening thing is that there is a trend of temperature rise in the summer. This could potentially cause melting or affect the surface mass balance of the sheet.
Researchers have said "We've already seen enhanced surface melting contribute to the breakup of the Antarctic's Larsen B Ice Shelf, where glaciers at the edge discharged massive sections of ice into the ocean that contributed to sea level rise," Monaghan said. "The stakes would be much higher if a similar event occurred to an ice shelf restraining one of the enormous WAIS glaciers."
This shows the potential danger this one event could ave to the world, how it could restrain the region's natural ice flow, overflow the ocean, etc. Similar events have happened in the close past, and a similar continuation of events could cause a harm to the environment. The Western Arctic Ice Sheet is very sensitive towards climate change, and it if gets in to contact with warm water, it can start largely contributing to the rise in sea level yearly.
sea ice

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