Monday, November 26, 2012

The Mystery of the Vanishing Beetles

Over a certain period of time already, researchers have noticed a significant decrease in the population of insects in general- but one of the largest decreases are noted for the Beetles. Some beetles are even dropping in the numbers so rapidly, that they are already considered endangered in many areas. Nobody can determine the mysterious cause of this unexpected change in population of beetles. It is known that beetles are often collected, or their dead bodies kept in glass as decoration, but it is still not an explanation for such a significant loss of them on Earth. Are people killing them? Keeping them as pets at home, n removing them from nature? People do not understand that the loss of even such a small species can be extremely dangerous for the rest of the ecosystem. Farmers rely on beetles to eat a large amount of slugs, and aphids, as well as weed seeds, stopping the crops from being ruined by these unwanted 'guests'. This decline is a serious issue that will affect the rest of the insect population, and later on the ecosystem. Scientists need to learn more about this!

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