Saturday, December 14, 2013

World Toilet Day #thankyoutoilet

Title: World Toilet Day - #thankyoutoilet


Date: 19th November 2013

The WTO (World Toilet Organization) is a nonprofit global organization whose mission is to improve sanitation conditions around the world. “World Toilet Day” is a UN recognized event that is held annually on the 19th of November. The aim of this day is to diminish the taboo around toilets and bring people together in order to help improve this international sanitation crisis.

It was created in order to raise global awareness on the struggles that 2.5 billion people face, and their daily battles. This international day has received help from “the media, the private sector, development organisations and civil society”.

Here are some of the striking facts which I found on youtube and mainly the websites mentioned above.

Even though “sanitation” has been declared a human right, 2.5 billion people don’t have an access to a toilet. The effect that this has on the society is that many girls end up quitting school once they hit puberty either by their own choice, or by their parents. Another consequence of not having a toilet are the countless of diseases that the residents become more prone to. People face serious diarrhea complications which have led to a high mortality rate in less economically developed countries. It has been found that every minute a child dies due to diarrhea diseases as a result of not having access to a proper toilet. The reason for this is that the residents of LEDC’s already have a lower immune system which isn'’t able to survive once hit with another disease, and horrifically leads to death.

Next to illnesses and death, another issue that one third of the world faces due to not having access to a proper toilet is water contamination and sanitation. People are forced to search elsewhere when in need of a toilet, which the majority of the time leads to rivers. In less economically developed countries, these rivers are also used for drinking and bathing water, and can lead to high pollution and contamination. As a cause of this, the fishing stock is polluted, along with the health of the residents.

The aim of Toilet Day is to inform people globally and influence them to help as it has been found that the toilet is a machine which can at this point save more lives than any other. If we establish basic sanitation in LEDC’s, there will be less time spent in poverty as there will be less sick individuals. Since there will be less ill children, mothers will not have to stay at home as much and they, along with the rest of the female population, will be able to receive an education. In addition to this, a large amount of money will be saved for educational purposes rather than spent on medicine for diarrhea problems etc.

I chose this current event as I believe that sanitation is one of the most important factors in our daily lives and it allows us to grow in every other aspect. I think it is unacceptable from a moral, human and economic perspective to know that one third of the globe does not have access to basic hygiene. If we come together to help these less economically developed countries, the result will be clear. Not only can we provide a greater life for 2.5 billion people in the world, but it is mandatory for us to look at the value of water, and consider the implications and effects that facts like these are having on it. The naked truth is that water is no longer considered a renewable resource, and we must spend more time caring for our natural resources.

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