Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Extreme Storm Surges May Occur More Often

The reason for the new extreme storm surges, as scientists say, is climate change. As the climate drastically warms, and changes so often, it is predicted that there will be more storm surges. A storm surge occurs when there is an abnormal tide rise- that is what triggers a storm surge. It is when hurricanes push the water towards the coast. Overall, they said storm surges will be much more frequent, about two to seven times, more frequent. After the storm surge in 2005, hurricane Katrina changed the way people viewed storm surges, how dangerous they are, and what damage they can do. It is one of the most dangerous environmental hazards, and people are just learning how to deal with it. If we face stronger ones from now on, there has to be a way to solve the problem.


  1. I was reading another article that said that the climate change was also causing massive snow storms. I agree, the neglect to climate change is having disastrous effects.

  2. I have heard both of these things, and due to my age, I can contest that there are certain oscillations in violent storms in the past and that are happening now as well. So, what is happening do you think? Why are some areas "warming" and other areas "cooling"?

  3. I've heard the same thing and it makes sense, but yeah, I've also heard several people of my mom's age say that they have seen similar snowstorms before.
    (though I really think this year is different because it's practically April and it's still snowing)
